However, while /kokomo/ does crawl and does get updated with Kokomo’s stories, east is not crawled and the file is not updated with their stories.
We are wondering if there is CRON job that runs and would like to know the frequency of that.
All content and pages visible to “This group only,” “Logged-in users,” or “Anyone with the link”
All content that is archived
Pages that are not in any navigation
Old content (e.g., news stories that are several years old)
Anything in your /_ingredients/ folder (e.g., templates)
Anything in a folder that starts with /_ (e.g., /_sample/index.php)
Any page that contains “.test.” in the filename (e.g., index**.test.**php)
Any page that contains “/test/“ in the filepath (e.g., /admissions**/test/**open-house/index.php)
For example, maybe if stories are archived in your “East” group, or have dates older than a few years, that could explain why they are not included in the daily sitemap update?
I checked on the server and it seems sitemap.livewhale.xml, and sitemap.profiles.xml have not been updated since 11/17/2023 at 1:07 pm.
sitemap.custom.xml is the only updated file where we added new news sites to be included in the XML file.
Also, robots.txt file have only disallow for college.
Thanks Akbar – it looks like manually refreshing (using /live/sitemap/update?refresh=1 from a logged-in user) has worked in the short term, and I’ll relay to our team to help investigate why that scheduled daily job wasn’t completing the process of updating those .xml sitemaps.