SAML integration: SP logs not found

Hello again! We are working on the SAML integration on our dev server and we’ve hit a snag; we’re stuck on step five of this process. There doesn’t appear to be a folder at /live/saml/metadata, and the SP metadata is not present. I looked for the corresponding folder on our live server and didn’t find anything there either.
Are we looking in the right place? I suspect we’re not, but I can’t find it anywhere else either.
Brian Byrne

Hi Brian,

Thanks for writing – easy to get confused at this step, there aren’t any folders under public_html/live/ on the SFTP server, because /live/ is our API endpoint. Anytime you see a LiveWhale URL starting with /live/… it’s pulling from somewhere else in the system.

In this case, /live/saml/metadata is the URL that will show your generated SP Metadata if you’ve got an sp-cert and sp-key files correctly loaded in via the core/config.php settings. Generally those point to files in /livewhale/integrations/saml if that helps, you could maybe try copying that folder from prod to dev and then reproducing most (all?) of the SAML_ related entries from /livewhale/core/config.php on dev as well. Hope this helps!

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Well would you look at that, the metadata’s right there where you said it would be! Thanks Karl!

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Ah great, glad that helped! Yes, a good reminder for us that we should be more explicit to say “visit /live/saml/metadata in your browser…” rather than just assuming people would try that first! :slight_smile: Thanks Brian.

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