Are the number of events returned by RSS and iCal Feeds limited to a certain number as opposed to JSON feeds that returns all events for the next six months or so?
Are the number of events returned by RSS and iCal Feeds limited to a certain number as opposed to JSON feeds that returns all events for the next six months or so?
Hi Akbar,
Good question, and no, there’s no item count maximum to those results. They’re limited only by date range—six months from today by default, which you can override on a per-request basis with start_date and end_date, or sitewide by configuring one of the following:
If you go here, you will see JSON returns 167, RSS 5, and ical 3 I think:
JSON: https://events.iu.edu/live/json/events/category_id/17
RSS: Indiana University Events
iCal: https://events.iu.edu/live/ical/events/category_id/17
It should all return 6 months worth of events without us having to comment it out? Is the six months true of RSS and iCAL feeds as well?
Also, we have uncommented the lines you suggested. They are now:
$_LW->REGISTERED_WIDGETS['events']['custom']['ical_month_range']=6; // maximum # months to return results for in ICAL API queries that don't specify a range (default: 6)
$_LW->REGISTERED_WIDGETS['events']['custom']['rss_month_range']=6; // maximum # months to return results for in RSS API queries that don't specify a range (default: 6)
iCal and RSS feeds still do not pull six months worth of events.
Thanks Akbar – glad we were able to confirm via personalized email support that this wasn’t a core issue bur rather was being affected via a client module and get that fixed.