where the email fields are not checked for valid email addresses.
all the other forms we have that use email fields do not accept an invalid email address. i attempted to use javascript to validate the field but that did not work.
is that something y’all can fix? if so, will there be a charge for it?
Sure thing – basically every news and event submission form (even customized ones) go through the Public Submission Form endpoint on the LiveWhale side of things.
That form processing does check for valid emails, using a regular expression:
If you have an example of a faulty-formatted email address that is getting by that validation, let us know and we can look at updating the rule in core. Otherwise, when the form gets submitted, it should come back with an error message “You must enter a valid e-mail address.” when that validation check fails. Hope this helps!
Thanks Steve – I see what you mean, I was able to reproduce this on our test servers. It looks like there’s a little logical mistake (some improperly combined ANDs/ORs) in the core validation that’s erroneously skipping the “is this a valid email” check. I’ll file this as a bug fix for core in our next release. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
(The “Email failed to send” notices you shared from the logs I think are likely a separate issue with your SMTP server.)