Navigation gone on wrong domain

We run LiveWhale across multiple domains. Some content, like news or profiles using details pages, has an issue where if a user comes to the ID but via the wrong domain (because of say, some odd Google result), then the navigation menu does not appear. For example: Dominican Republic: Santiago • Overseas and Off-Campus Programs • Lewis & Clark is correct, but Dominican Republic: Santiago • Overseas and Off-Campus Programs • Lewis & Clark loses its menu.

In theory, it should not matter, as both instances are pointing to the same xphp (but of course it does matter):

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 11.12.42 AM

@Grether, we used to run LW on multiple domains, though not anymore, but I do seem to remember this issue from back then.

However, I happened to notice this in the release notes for 2.17.0 as we are preparing to update to 2.18.0 next week, and I am wondering if this would address the problem…

Shared content between two subdomains on the same LiveWhale instance will now redirect to the proper subdomain for details view if the group has a custom details template URL that is subdomain-specific.

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Thanks Jon! I think you’re right, hopefully the 2.18.0 core fix will do the trick – Morgan, feel free to give it a test on dev and we can discuss further if it’s still not nailing the functionality you need.

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Karl-- the issue remains despite dev being on 2.18.0: Dominican Republic: Santiago • Overseas and Off-Campus Programs • Lewis & Clark

I would love to get this straightened out, as our prez just emailed a URL with a wrong domain to everyone at the institution: Welcoming Alicia Ouellette, Jordan D. Schnitzer Dean of Lewis & Clark Law School • Law Newsroom • Lewis & Clark rather than Welcoming Alicia Ouellette, Jordan D. Schnitzer Dean of Lewis & Clark Law School • Law Newsroom • Lewis & Clark – Again, not the end of the world, but not great either. :wink:

Hi Morgan,

Taking a look at this this morning, I think it’s possible a custom module is coming into play here – we’re checking it out and will reach out to you via your personalized email support address with our findings. (I’ll also come back to this thread to share general findings once the issue is resolved.) More soon,


Hi Morgan,

We were able to get this fixed and patched for you – long story short, there was a core bugfix slated for our next release about the ability of certain LiveURL attributes to “bubble up” to custom modules, which is where your “group_owned_content” custom module is leveraging them to redirect details URLs to the proper subdomain matching the group URL.

So, in your dev example,
now correctly redirects to

That’s also been patched to prod. Let us know here or in email support if you have any additional questions about this, Morgan. Thanks,
