LOCATION field in .ics produced by "Add to my calendar"

We’ve noticed that a location field is not present in the outputted .ics file when using the “Add to my calendar” button, endpoint /live/ical/events/id/xxxxxx

is this something that a module could address?

Hey Kevin,

Thanks for reporting this – when I test on my own LiveWhale install, I do see my event location in the “LOCATION:” field of the generated .ics file, so something else must be going on.

Maybe I’d suggest working up an example case on your dev site, and then you could (temporarily) disable any custom modules that might be filtering widget or ical results, just in case. Then, if it’s fixed, you’ll know that a module could be the source of the issue. Or, it could potentially be something specific to that event/location if it’s happening just in certain cases?

Long story short, if we can get steps to reproduce, we’ll file it as a core bug-fix, but otherwise if it’s seeming like something that may potentially be specific to your installation, you can report it with an example URL using the Request Help form which allows us to login to your installation/server and take a closer look. Let me know if I can say more about this. Thanks!


Hey there Karl,

I’ve synced prod data over to dev and removed all custom modules. Location still doesn’t appear in outputted ics files for any of our events on prod or dev.

Thanks Kevin – we’ll check this out and let you know what we find.

Ah, thanks Kevin – it turns out this was a core bug with installations where the base JSON API version is set to 2. The JSON API version shouldn’t have any effect on the ICAL endpoint formatting, but it was errantly getting in the way and limiting what fields showed up; we’ve worked up a fix for this and will release it with our next version at the end of this week. Thanks for helping bring this to our attention!

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