Image credit is gone in latest CMS update

Working on a news story today, and I can no longer see how to include an image credit when I embed images. Having just upgraded, I wonder if it is “a feature, not a bug” and the image credits have moved to a new location that I am not seeing? (There used to be a checkbox next to the caption checkbox, in the screenshot.)

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Hi Morgan,

Interesting…we’re still seeing that as a part of the LiveWhale core functionality and that appears when we check on our test installations:


I wonder if you can double-check to see if it’s something that’s being hidden with maybe some CSS specific to the Lewis & Clark site?

Might be worth starting there to see. Hope that helps!

I also realized this after seeing Morgan’s post; I think it’s been missing since our update to 2.14.0.

Appears that the section has inline “display: none” that is unchanging, regardless of the image selected and whether it has a credit or not.

Perhaps something is up in the Javascript/JQuery where each image’s credit field is not being retrieved correctly, resulting in always hiding the fields?

Not sure what client code we’d have that would conflict.

Thanks Nick, good catch. I wonder if maybe the intention is that the checkbox only appears when there is a Credit to display, and perhaps that’s bugging out along the line. I’ll route this to the team for review.

Hi folks— @Grether @mischlern just an update on this. Upon further testing, it does appear there was a small bug with those credit options not appearing like you’d expect. We’ve gone ahead and patched things in for you on the Lewis & Clark and Beloit sites.

For any others school experiencing the issue—the fix should be released in the next upcoming release of LiveWhale :slight_smile:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!


Thanks for the fix. Appears to be working now.
