I am working with profiles with custom fields for dates. When building a widget to display them, the date fields are being rendered out in “MM/DD/YYYY” format. I’d like to change this to something more like “Jan. 24, 2025” (%M. %n, %Y).
I know events have <arg id="date_format"/>, but it doesn’t appear that profiles has that argument (or a field in the CMS editor to define date formats). I did try to add it into the profile widget template I am working with, but I see no effect.
Is there a way to format dates in profile widgets? I tried looking for something like XPHP casts, but I didn’t see anything in the documentation.
Looking ahead, I will also have to include the dates in the profiles details pages. I can’t think that far ahead at the moment, but if anyone has any advice for that context, I’d appreciate it.