I was trying to use the content entered in the Introductory Text field in the Form editor to generate a meta-description element in the Forms details template. Is it possible to access that data via XPHP? It is not listed on XPHP Variables - LiveWhale Support. The details template just uses <xphp var="form"/> for the whole thing.
I’ve tried <meta name="description" content="%%details_forms_intro|CAST:text%%" /> and other variations (details_intro, forms_intro, intro, etc.) hoping to stumble on something but nothing seems to work.
Looking at the core public.widget.php code, I think I see what you mean – it looks like the “intro” variable gets pulled in showForm and appended for Form, but doesn’t necessarily get queried to populate as a separate XPHP variable in the details view. I’ll file this as a feature request for core.