These are a couple of kind of related search questions that come up frequently for me and I’m wondering if they come up for other folks.
Searching for widgets. I want to locate the pages in a which a certain widget is used. The only way I know to do this is to use grep in the shell.
Searching for tags. I want to locate a tag in Toolbox → Tags, but I don’t know which group owns the tag. Tags aren’t returned in the backend search, so then I guess which groups might own it and switch to each group and check. I’m tempted to query the database directly but that’s always a little onerous so I just go hunting in the backend.
If you ever need to do these searches, what are your methods?
I actually added some backend modifications to that All Widgets page a few years ago. I was doing a lot of widget cleanup, and that page was very helpful, but my additions made it even more useful.