Filter Calendar by Location?

Is it possible to format a calendar URL to show only events in a certain location? I know I can create a widget using the filter arg, but I can’t seem to find any combination of URL parameters to filter the calendar in the same way.

For example, something like (but that doesn’t work)

Hi Jon – there’s some code in LiveWhale that was built for a client customization awhile ago that I think may be useful here. It uses locations/ in the URL request for this, but on a quick test that doesn’t appear to work on its own. It may be that it only works in tandem with the full locations selector checkboxes, or possibly there’s something else I’m missing here. We’ll leave this open for investigation and let you know what we find.

FWIW, I tried adding the location selector on Dev, right after the audience selector, just to see if that would make a difference.

It didn’t change anything, but also the location selector is hidden and empty.

<div id="lw_cal_location_selector" style="display: none;"></div>

Hi Karl and team. I landed here, because we’ve had a use case for searching events by location. Have there been any new developments with this? Essentially, it would be really helpful if users could see all events happening in a specific theater, for instance.

Hey Alexa,

Thanks for writing – for starters, I’ll say that “it would be really helpful if users could see all events happening in a specific theater” is a totally sensible use case, and one I bet you can can cover in a widget. From the widget editor, you could try:

On the front-end calendar, it does looks like we support “show all upcoming events in a saved location” using the syntax
/all/locations/{saved location ID}.

There’s a core bug I’m seeing where the “Now showing” box shows the ID instead of the location name—we’ll file a fix for that in our next release—but other than that unsightly “Now showing {id}” field, the actual query does appear to work: UConn Calendar

Let me know if I can help further with this, otherwise stay tuned in our release notes for when we’ve got that little display bug fixed! Thanks.