Request: When a date has an event with event type of “University Closed”, the td.has_items on the #lw_mini_cal also has a “has_event_type_closed” class added to it for styling purposes.
I think I’m probably also asking for a global event type of “Closed” be added to the app instead of relying on our custom “University Closed” event type. I know this is a nice-to-have, but it came up today as a request, and I wanted to reach out to see what your thoughts are.
I can certainly see why you’d want this! It feels like a stretch for us to add that style in the mini-cal directly — because (long story short) the mini cal component doesn’t know anything about the events on its own individual days; it only knows if it has events or not.
I do think you could probably do this with a bit of Javascript. Not hard to imagine a script that says:
if (any event has event type=X)
then (get the date of that event, which might have to be added to the template)
and (find the td.has_items in the mini cal with that date in its title attribute)
and (apply your style)
I’m sure the devil’s in the details — when that script fires, how it works for future/past months, etc. — but this might get you started?