In Karl’s session on accessibility at the conference, one of the points was “links are for going somewhere, buttons are for doing something.” That being said, there is currently not a way (that I am aware of) to use a button for calls to action for in-person events - e.g., Register, Buy Tickets, Get on the Waitlist, etc. So we are currently doing those CTAs as text links either at the end of the event description or in the Related Content section, or both. But a colored button would pop more - and be better for accessibility, right?
If you check “This is an online event,” you can enter a URL and text for a button to join the event which appears on the left side of the event page. But you can’t use that option for in-person events because you have to check the online event box in order to use it. Could that button option be available for all types of events - in person, online or hybrid - so that we can use it for any CTA - Join the Webinar, Register for the Event, Buy Tickets - and the CTA would always appear as a colored button in a consistent place for users?
Thanks for considering!