Event Widget on News Story

I want to be able to create a generic Events widget that I can drop in the body of news stories that will automatically show events with titles that match the headline of the story it is dropped on. I tried adding a filter arg like this…

<widget type="events">
<arg id="filter" name="title" action="matches"><xphp var="details_headline"/></arg>

But that didn’t work. Is there a way to get this to work?

This worked for me when I tested it on dev, but I had to add the event widget with the filter condition in the news details template file via SFTP. It didn’t work when I added it as a widget directly within a story body on the CMS.

It also did partial title matches when I used matches as the filter action, but it worked more exactly for both story and event title when I used action=“equals” for the filter.

Thanks for checking Sudeshna. I thought I had done this sort of thing before, but I think I did it by putting the widget in the details template, like you said. In this case I want to be able to put the widget in the story body, and that is what isn’t working.

Hi folks,

A little update: we wanted to let you know we’re continuing to investigate the issue here—we believe we see the underlying problem and have some proof of concept with our fix but we want to take a little more time with our testing to make sure it doesn’t have an impact anything else.

We’ll keep you posted here in the meantime. Thanks!

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Okay—looks like we’ve got this squared away now. For anyone wanting to utilize something like this events widget using the details_headline the fix should be in our next LiveWhale release.

Thanks everyone!