Customizing event types in submission form

We have a submission form (behind a campus login) at Web Login Service - University of Florida.

We’re not sure how this form was built, but it seems to be using Livewhale code. We’re looking to update the options under “Event types” which appear to be generated automatically based on the event types we have in Livewhale.

The problem is that we are looking to retire some event types, without affecting any existing events that might be using them. Is there a way to customize the event type options in the form without removing items from Livewhale completely?

Hey August,

Sure thing – if you unstar them in the back-end, they should get removed from the front-end form and the front-end calendar selectors. If you want more control than that, you can actually just copy/paste the resulting HTML and replace <xphp var="event_types"/> with the specific checkbox markup you want—as long as the name=“” and values are unchanged, that will work for the submission form even if you don’t use the built-in event_types XPHP variable. Hope this helps!
