Changing "Main Calendar" text in "Jump to:" calendar dropdown

Is it possible to edit the text in the calendar selector menu? We want to replace “Main Calendar” with “All Events,” which we think is clearer. I hit a dead end once I got to _i/themes/global/components/calendar/lw_cal_calendars.html. Not finding anything in the documentation about it so I figured I’d ask.

Hi, I was wondering if there’s an answer for this—the Communications people are asking me about it.

Hi Brian,

Yep! You can edit public.config.php to uncomment and edit

//$_LW->REGISTERED_WIDGETS['events']['custom']['main_calendar_title']=''; // if you wish to customize the title of the main homepage calendar in the calendar dropdown, set it here

for instance

$_LW->REGISTERED_WIDGETS['events']['custom']['main_calendar_title']='Custom Name of Main Calendar';

would override that “Main Calendar” from the dropdown array. (You could also do it with a .replace('Main Calendar', 'Something Else') in the component itself if that didn’t work.)

We’d recommend making this kind of change on dev first before patching to prod. Hope this helps!

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eyyy, perfect! That worked! Thanks Karl.