Changing "Main Calendar" text in "Jump to:" calendar dropdown

Is it possible to edit the text in the calendar selector menu? We want to replace “Main Calendar” with “All Events,” which we think is clearer. I hit a dead end once I got to _i/themes/global/components/calendar/lw_cal_calendars.html. Not finding anything in the documentation about it so I figured I’d ask.

Hi, I was wondering if there’s an answer for this—the Communications people are asking me about it.

Hi Brian,

Yep! You can edit public.config.php to uncomment and edit

//$_LW->REGISTERED_WIDGETS['events']['custom']['main_calendar_title']=''; // if you wish to customize the title of the main homepage calendar in the calendar dropdown, set it here

for instance

$_LW->REGISTERED_WIDGETS['events']['custom']['main_calendar_title']='Custom Name of Main Calendar';

would override that “Main Calendar” from the dropdown array. (You could also do it with a .replace('Main Calendar', 'Something Else') in the component itself if that didn’t work.)

We’d recommend making this kind of change on dev first before patching to prod. Hope this helps!

eyyy, perfect! That worked! Thanks Karl.