Calendar Updates

Yesterday we went live with some major updates to our Events Calendar and I thought I’d share with this group. We’ve been working on this for months and are very happy with what we’ve created.


Hey, this looks amazing!

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This looks outstanding! I really like how you’ve handled events like “Grades due for summer session,” the ones with no further content — how’d you manage that? Specifically the way they’re not clickable, I like how that saves the user a moment of possible confusion and hassle.

There is no description for those events. I believe that is default LiveWhale behavior. Events without a description are not links on the calendar.

Oh interesting, I will have to look into that—our events without descriptions have individual pages when clicked, but if there’s a way to update that, I’d definitely like to set that up*.

Anyway, looks terrific!

(*or plan on setting it up once the idea works its way through 12 committees)