Bug Report - user activity

I’m putting this in as a bug report, but if we’re the only ones having this issue then maybe it’s something else…

When going to the users list in the toolbox, and opening a user, the activity panel correctly shows a half dozen or so things that the person did. Upon clicking to show more activity, nothing appears. However, changing the ‘by date’ filter (which defaults to ‘since the dawn of time’) to something else will bring in the (I assume) appropriate list of activities, and furthermore, changing the filter back to ‘since the dawn of time’ will show additional activities if there are any.

It’s minor, I know, but it was throwing us for a while until we tried changing the filter…

As an aside, I assume that ‘the dawn of time’ refers to 1970-01-01 00:00:00?


-= G =-

I can’t seem to replicate this. Clicking to see more activity shows what I expect it to show without having to change any filters.