Attaching Orphan Page to a Group


I have a page at the with its own directory off root which does not appear to be associated with another group.

I don’t remember how it was made, but its clear that the page applies to many offices and not just to one, so it was made to be separate from all.

I’d like to associate it with a group with these conditions:

  • Allows editors assigned to the group to have edit access. (did, with group edit directories)
  • Allows breadcrumbs to include link to group main. (<xphp var="group_breadcrumb"/>)
  • Ideally does not require the orphan page to be relocated in the group’s main directory. (avoid /office/orphan-page/)

Is there a way to do this with a page that already exists?

Or, in general: how does LiveWhale attribute pages to groups? By directory? Active group when made?


The group editor allows you to set a URL for each group. All pages in the specified directory belong to that group. I don’t believe you can have more than one group with the same group URL. So pages in /orphan-page cannot be in the same group as /office/orphan-page.

Groups can inherit the navigation from other groups though. So you can make it look like a page is part of another group. In the group editor, use the option “Inherit main navigation from” under “Other group settings”.

So you may just need to create a group for /orphan-page and inherit the navigation from whatever group owns /office/orphan-page.

Thanks for the context and suggestions Jon. Seems like I won’t get what I was hoping for, but giving it its own group is the fallback I was considering.

Seems “inherit main navigation from” doesn’t affect breadcrumbs (at least defined for us; I didn’t look too close…), but I see instances of specific edits to the breadcrumbs that I could try to emulate as needed.
